Coding things
here are some of my coding projects:
Some download links can be found here
- ProgressQuest CE
A recreation of ProgressQuest for the TI 84+CE, written in C
- cipherlang
A scripting language for applying transforms to text. Still in progress, uses xcipher
- ed
A somewhat-functional clone of the classic text editor ed
- epsilon
A language strongly inspired by FORTH that was designed to be self-hosting. Has a c++ transpiler, an interpreter is in progress
- explor
My first attempt at a simple game framework, allows exploring a large map. Very rudimentary, and has been superceded by 2dgame, then stellar-enigma
- files
A file manager program
- 2dgame
A rudimentary game 'engine' using the SFML Framework. Supercedes explor, superceded by stellar-enigma
- music
A program that creates random 'music' using markov chains.
- shell
A poorly-written, buggy, and difficult-to-use shell.
- simulate
A sandbox program where you can draw different materials and watch them interact
- stellar-enigma
An in-progress game engine created as an improvement over 2dgame:
- symbol
An incomplete interpreter for an esolang called symbol
- block
An incomplete interpreter for an esolang called block
- vc
A rudimentary version control program
A virtual computer created from scratch
- zeldamon
A TI-84+CE game coded in C. WIP
- zoom
My first computer game - not to be confused with the video meeting software. A 2-D Puzzle game about zooming in
- Arc calculator
A python script for making smooth arcs in 3D Space. Created to facillitate SMG2 modding.