
The forests near me are full of interesting things. One of my favorite things to find is interesting fungal specimens. Here are some of my favorites.


Some Stinkhorn eggs

An unidentified mushroom growing at the base of a nearly-dead ash

Another cluster of shrooms growing near the same ash

Some small polypores growing off the same ash.

Some mushrooms growing on an ash stump

Some Cracked Cap Polypores growing on Black Locust trees

Some sort of crust fungus growing on a log

Some polypores growing on a dead ash

Some small mushrooms, likely Galerinas, growing on a decaying log

Some unidentified mushrooms growing on a dead log

Unknown mushrooms growing along a garden

An old specimen of what appears to be Lion's Mane

Some old puffballs

A Wrinkled Peach mushroom growing on a Common Hackberry

A top view of the above specimen

An elegant stinkhorn growing in my lawn

Some miscellaneous unidentified mushrooms

Some bright yellow lichen growing on a rock

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