Cellular Automata-related information and resources

Some of my favorite rules:


Cracks0345678/15678/7rapidly fills the grid with a solid field, except for a series of cracks
Burning Cracks034567/15678/7a variation of Cracks, the field is dynamic rather than solid.
Conflagration035678/15678/7rapidly fills the grid with an exanding, replicating pattern that looks like fire
camo0123/345678/7rapidly fills the grid with dynamic, short-lived swirling patterns amongst a pattern of dots
Static02468/1357/4rapidly fills the grid with a chaotic field
solid?345678/12458/5rapidly fills the grid with a solid field with a fractal pattern in the holes
untitled235/27/8rapidly fills the grid with a swirling, chaotic pattern
Boxes23456/267/5rapidly fills the grid with a collection of stable blocks and some simple oscilators
Stubborn0145/3678/5related to Rocks, refuses to exhibit complex behaviour
plague13678/4578/4All patterns die extremely rapidly, leaving only some small still lives.
Mirrorbeams03678/24/12numerous spaceships fly around and interact while leaving single-cell still lives. the ships can block each other and change the paths of other beams
rocks12/35/5patterns evolve without expanding too much and eventually leave a field of small still lives and simple oscillators
untitled2345/267/5rapidly fills the grid with a skeleton of lines, along with chaotic blobs. Some behavior is odd & strange
Flare0235678/1234/50most patterns are either still lives or oscillators, patterns flare up and gradually die down.
untitled3/2/4Similar to Brian's brain, but with less chaotic behavior. Most stable structures are spaceships
untitled0136/234/5either creates an expanding ring or fills the grid with chaotic patterns